INtegrated SuPervIsion of maRblE quaRry

(based on geolocation, IoT and BI Technologies)

INSPIRER project aims at the design, development and experimental evaluation of a novel integrated system for the supervision and optimization of marble quarry operations. At the core of the system lies a smart ad-hoc Business Intelligence platform supported by an IoT network for the collection and transmission of operational data as well as the integration of advanced geolocation techniques.


INSPIRER project aims at setting the foundations for the development of an innovative management system for the integrated supervision of marble quarries based on Geo-location, IoT (Internet of Things) and BI (Business Intelligence) techniques. The ultimate goal is to implement a complete Decision Support System (DSS), enabling smart operations within a modern marble quarry.

For the implementation of the system at Volakas quarry (IKTINOS SA) in Drama, it’s specific conditions and requirements need to be investigated and addressed in the context of pilot operation of the system.

INSPIRER research project is carried out by IKTINOS HELLAS S.A. that acts as the coordinator and by NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS (NTUA) that acts as research responsible.



Perakis H., Orfanos M., Stratakos I., Gikas V., Albanoloulos C. (2022) “Towards a prototype low-cost / multi-RF based positioning system for underground marble quarry management: Design considerations and preliminary results”, XXVII FIG Congress, Sept. 11-15, 2022, Warsaw, Poland


INtegrated SuPervIsion of maRblE quaRry
(based on geolocation, IoT and BI Technologies)


School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering

Department of Topography
9 Iroon Polytechniou str.
Zografou Campus
GR-15780 Athens, Greece
Scientific responsible Prof. Vassilis Gikas 


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